![]() Part of getting kids to cook and become healthy and independent adults is to get them familiar with going to the grocery store while they’re YOUNG. Too many moms do all the grocery shopping while kids are “busy” at school or sports or play dates. I want you to realize it’s much, much better for your child to be in the grocery store with you as he or she learns about choosing the best produce and getting involved in the ENTIRE culinary process. But…going to the grocery store can be a disastrous experience if you do the following items 1) Forget Your Grocery List (or DON’T make one) If you’re with your kids and you don’t have a list, I can bet you’ll be buying a LOT of stuff you probably didn’t need. Also it’ll take even LONGER to get in and out of the store. I always have a list, but whenever I forget one, it takes forever because I usually am running around the local Safeway getting produce, getting meats, getting bread and then going back to produce at the otherside of the store! Don’t waste time, be efficient and you’ll also probably stay within your budget! 2) Arrive At the Store HUNGRY I was hiking with friends on a Sunday and went to make a “quick” stop at the local Sprouts to get some ingredients. The problem? I was STARVING. Immediately, I started buying snacks and items I probably didn’t need like trailmix, chocolates, beef jerky and more. Be sure to have a meal before you go to the grocery store with your kids, or at least a high fiber snack like an apple or whole grain crackers and hummus. 3) Go During Peak Hours Want to double your time going to and from the store? Go on a Friday evening at 6pm or Monday after work. I always try to go mid-morning or weekday afternoons because I know the shopping experience will be faster. If you want this to be a fun experience with your kid, then make it smooth! Don’t go when you know traffic is bad and the store will have long lines. If you liked these tips and want to get your kids grocery shopping so they can be healthy and independent adults, try out a FREE 60-minute LIVE healthy dinner cooking class taught by our awesome Chef Teachers on Zoom: go to www.liftenrichment.com to claim your free lesson Get Cooking, Chef Eric Horwitz |