March 13

4 Tips To Curb Your Sugar Cravings

Blog, Cooking, Featured


YOU told me you liked my quick like “healthy chocolate pudding” recipe from a previous email, so I’ve got 4 more cooking hacks to eat foods that hit that satisfy my sweet tooth, without going crazy with the calories.

Tip 1:  Vanilla Frosting Chocolate Pudding Cups
(from last week)

In a small bowl add ½ cup of non-fat greek yogurt (I like the Fage brand), a few drops of Liquid stevia, dash of cinnamon, a bit of vanilla extract and mix well.  On top of a Jello sugar free chocolate pudding snack (60 calories), add the greek yogurt “frosting” and top with a few sprinkles or semi-sweet chocolate chips.  This dessert is less than 100 calories, has good protein and will curb that sweet craving.

Tip 2:   Soda Water Spritzer

Add 1 can of La Croix (or your favorite soda water) to a glass with ice.  Add ½ tsp vanilla extract, 5 drops of stevia extract, just of ½ lime and stir.  It’s refreshing, has 0 calories, and is all natural!

Tip 3:  Sweet Pumpkin Bites

Add 1 can of canned pumpkin (unsweetened) to a bowl, add a few drops of stevia, a bit of salt and cinnamon and mix.  On top of a rice cake, spread the pumpkin mix and top with sprinkles.  Low calorie, and tasty!

Tip 4:  Frozen Chocolate Bananas

I was mentoring my “little” named Elliot (through Big Brother Big Sisters of LA) and we wanted something healthy for dessert.

I had a bunch of bananas so I melted a bit of dark chocolate in a bowl and dipped a half of banana in it and topped it with some chopped almonds (blitz them in a blender for a bit).  Then we froze the chocolate bananas for about 15 minutes

They are AMAZING after 15 minutes, but you can freeze them over night.  These are a bit more caloric because of the banana and chocolate but they are SO worth it and you’ve got fiber from the fruit.

I’m looking to bring some of these recipes to future cooking sessions, but YOU get them first because you’re awesome and sign up up your kids for healthy cooking classes.

=> Click here to sign up for our Spring 2020 “Mexican Fiesta” theme at your school!

Eat Well,
Chef Eric Horwitz
CEO / Head Chef – LIFT Enrichment, Inc.

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Eric Horwitz

About LIFT

Eric founded LIFT Enrichment in 2010 because he wanted to help young kids develop their culinary skills so they could make healthy foods for friends and family for the rest of their lives.  He has worked with kids for over 15 years and enjoys their energy and enthusiasm for learning new things.  Eric studied abroad in Italy while at UCLA and discovered a passion for cooking.  

Eric Horwitz, Ceo of Lift

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