Three Things I’ve Learned From Working For 10+ Years At Summer Camps (The last one may surprise you)

When I was a kid, I attended many different camps including a science camp, theater camp, a Jewish day camp and more.  I had fun and made friends.  Later, as a teenager, I became a camp counselor.

In high school, I worked at day camps that had a lot of cool activities from outdoor games to art project to, my personal favorite, water balloon wars.

In college, I volunteered with Unicamp, which is a sleep away camp in the San Bernardino for teens from low-income families.  The camp was completely free for the kids attending, because we fundraised all of the costs during the spring session of school.

In college, I also studied abroad in Italy and volunteered at a local after-school program in Trento, Italy.  I couldn’t’ speak Italian fluently, which made it challenging to connect with the kids, but I did my best.

After college, I worked at Fitness by the Sea, a popular camp on the beaches of Los Angeles where we played capture the flag in the sand and swam in the ocean.  It’s a great camp where your child can be outside all day and can be a nice balance after a week of Lego Robotics camp

Here’s What I’ve Learned From 10+ years of camps

 First and foremost, niche is better

There’s nothing wrong about attending a summer camp where you child can do a little bit of everything.  There’s some science, some outdoor activities, some art and it’s fun.

Those camps focus on fun and creating an enjoyable experience with other campers, but there’s nothing gained at the end of the week that expands your child’s mind.

I thought for Lego Robotics camp, why not combine fun with EDUCATION.

Why not have a camp where it’s a blast AND campers are learning skills they can use in middle school and beyond.

That’s where Lego Robotics camp really shinesThe robots are fun to build and program, and covertly your child will learn about robotics, technology and how to make a mechanical object move autonomously.

Small Camps Have A Better Atmosphere For Learning

I’d rather work with a group of 14 kids where all the kids and counselors know each other on a first name basis, then a camp with 80+ kids where counselors and kids only know a small portion of the whole group.

Again, there’s nothing wrong with big camps.

I just prefer a smaller group of kids, and maybe you do to.

Wouldn’t you prefer a camp where kids know the name of each counselor?  Where your child knows every camper?

It’s the best way to get kids to develop friendships.

It’s the best way to make sure they are taken care of and given the attention they need.

And most importantly, it’s how they learn better.

That’s why Lego Robotics Camp is a unique place where your child can learn in small groups, and get individualized attention.

Our max per week is small, as we accept less than 20 kids per week.

Finally, and this is the unique point, having less weeks of camp prevents COUNSELOR BURNOUT.  This means counselors are in an energized and happy state so that kids have the best day of camp

 Our camp is only running for 4 weeks, July-August.  It’s meant to only run for four great weeks.  While most camps run for 6-10 weeks, I know firsthand having worked for many summers at camps that by the end of those weeks, counselors get exhausted.

Suddenly, jumping in the cold Pacific ocean for over a month, twice a day losses its charm.

Kids are fun and exciting to work with, but after 5 weeks of the same activities, it can become tiresome.

In a nutshell, counselors can get BURNED out from working with kids for too long.

On the otherhand, our camp is only four weeks.

Counselors will have a great week, and then after a month, the camp has ended.

It’s just the right amount of time to have a fantastic week of camp, without exhausting the counselors from 7-hour days, 5 days a week.  It’s a lot of time to spend with kids, even when you enjoy their company!

That’s why our Lego Robotics camp is just for a few weeks this summer.  We’ve placed those weeks around the time when other camps close shop.

We chose weeks AFTER most families go on their big holiday trips in June and throughout the week of July 4th.

(Btw, those weeks in August will FILL UP quickly.  They sell out every year.)

So if you’d like to join us at camp in Sherman Oaks, Santa Monica or Torrance.

Now’s your chance!

==>  Signup today for our Lego Robotics Summer camp 2017

It’s better to be safe and reserve your spot now, then to to wait another few weeks and find out it’s full.

You will get a refund if at any point you need to change your plans.

But we have to respect the maximum each week, so kids get the attention they deserve.

Don’t be the parent that waits too late and then has to tell your child that he or she can’t join his or her friends in camp because they waited too long to signup.

If you have any questions, simply email me at  Or call me at 310 890 8704

I’ll see you at camp