June 28

April Prothero on How To Clean Your House Like A Pro, Pumice Stones And Organizing Tips For Moms

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Watch the full interview here ===>  April Prothero on How To Clean Your House Like A Pro, Pumice Stones And Organizing Tips For Moms

April Prothero is the owner of Going GreenHouse, a professional house cleaning business based in Tempe, Arizona.  On the Mommy Interview series, she shares her tips for moms on how to finally maintain a clean an organized home.  Her tips include

  • How to sort “like with like” items to keep your home clutter-free
  • Her favorite non-toxic cleaning products to use 
  • The power of the Pumice Stone for cleaning challenging pans and pots
  • How to STOP a mess from spreading when you have young kids
  • How to clean EVERY part of your home from couches to bath tubs to ovens and beyond

To contact April, you can find her on Instagram at @April_cleans_houses and visit her website at www.goinggreenhouse.com for a free consultation if you’re in Arizona.  

 Watch the full interview here ===>  April Prothero on How To Clean Your House Like A Pro, Pumice Stones And Organizing Tips For Moms

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Eric Horwitz

About LIFT

Eric founded LIFT Enrichment in 2010 because he wanted to help young kids develop their culinary skills so they could make healthy foods for friends and family for the rest of their lives.  He has worked with kids for over 15 years and enjoys their energy and enthusiasm for learning new things.  Eric studied abroad in Italy while at UCLA and discovered a passion for cooking.  

Eric Horwitz, Ceo of Lift

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