Ashley Richards | Running A Marketing Agency And Being A Mother of 2 | The Mommy Interview Series

Watch the full interview here ===>  Ashley Richards | Running A Marketing Agency And Being A Mother of 2 | The Mommy Interview Series

Ashley Richards is a mom and owner/founder of E Squared Marketing, a digital marketing agency based in Phoenix, Arizona.

She started her agency once she gave birth to her first child and has grown it over the years with clients ranging from local shopping malls to restaurants.  Her staff is also composed of moms so they can attend to their kids while experiencing an engaging career.  We met through the Entrepreneur Organization Accelerator program of Arizona where she volunteers on the board!  In this interview she shares

How to use an air fryer to make HEALTHY crispy chicken for kids

  • Her daily ritual to relax and destress every day after work
  • Her “Hulk” pancakes” that get her kids to eat more spinach!
  • A hack on ordering groceries online so she can save time
  • Tips on using rotisserie chicken in creative ways
  • Her experiences helping her clients get through the pandemic
  • And more!

To follow Ashley go to Instagram: @ashleyrichardsaz and @esquaredmarketing

Watch the full interview here ===>  Ashley Richards | Running A Marketing Agency And Being A Mother of 2 | The Mommy Interview Series