
4 Mistakes We Made This Fall

4 Mistakes We Made This Fall

Running a business is usually 3 steps forward and 2 steps back.  Last week I shared some forward steps (5 improvements we made in 2023) but here are some steps backward (and what I learned from...

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5 Improvements We Made In 2023

It's been a turbulent last few years for those in the education industry.  2020 was the single hardest year of my life, but by getting through the team at LIFT Enrichment made 2022 the best...

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5 Amazing Things About Living in Dubai

Every 4th newsletter I like to share something fun, personal and that has nothing to do with LIFT Enrichment's mission providing healthy culinary workshops for Title-1 schools. Previously I wrote...

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4 Things To NOT Do in a Cooking Class

After teaching healthy culinary workshops for over 13 years, here are some key things to NOT do in a cooking class. A cooking class is a unique experience because there are a lot of moving parts....

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Our Top 10 Recipes for New Clients 

The BUSIEST MONTH OF THE YEAR FOR AFTER-SCHOOL Welcome to the month of September, which for after-school providers means it’s GO time.  Amongst my friends who run enrichment companies, we’re...

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