Gretchen Jewell on Balancing Life As A Mom with Real Estate and Adopting Kids

Watch the full interview here ===> Gretchen Jewell on Balancing Life As A Mom with Real Estate and Adopting Kids

Gretchen Jewell is an Arizona-based real estate agent who is also the mother of 3 kids. In this episode we dive into her world of healthy eating, exercising and so much more. Gretchen is passionate about adoption and also shares her experience with our viewers. She also loves cooking with cast-iron and she shares her tips and tricks to make easy and nutritious meals at home. Lastly, we get into the challenges of being a full-time real estate agent that works evenings and weekends and a mother of 3.

You can connect with Gretchen on her Instagram: Jewellgretchen

Watch the full interview here ===> Gretchen Jewell on Balancing Life As A Mom with Real Estate and Adopting Kids