Cha ching! That’s the sound of the cash register going off as I sent out $50 and $100 to different parents this week.
We launched a referral program for our Virtual Cooking Camp. It was the idea of my business mentor, Chef Dan Shemtaub…and so far parents are liking it.
Here’s how it works:
1)Parent A purchases a week of Virtual Cooking Camp and tells her friend, Parent B, about camp.
2)Parent B purchases a week of Virtual Cooking Camp and lists Parent A under “referred” by” during registration
3)When both parents finish their weeks of camp they BOTH get $50 cash (typically sent by PayPal or on their credit card) and a thank you email
Does that sound good?
One of our parents, Ana, just got $100 for referring 2 different parents who had a great time experiencing our Virtual Cooking Camp!
Referrals are ONLY for members of the Kids Can Cook Newsletter (aka this mailing list).
We’ve got 3 weeks of camp left, and parents have said
“First day of cook with kids camp and they avocado toast for breakfast and thai spring rolls for lunch! Yum”– Sandy, parent.
If you want to join the camp, we’re limiting the signups to just 12 kids per week so the chef can give more attention to the kids. Next week’s camp has 4 open spots.
Join today at