Master Marketer Seth Godin shares his secret to bond with his kids

I found this comment enlightening from a best-selling author and marketing authority I respect, Seth Godin, and it could help improve your relationship with your child.

In the Tim Ferriss podcast, a favorite of mine to listen to while walking my dog every morning he explains, (my highlights in bold)

“If you spend two hours a day without an electronic device, looking your kid in the eye, talking to them and solving interesting problems, you will raise a different kid than someone who doesn’t do that. And that’s one of the reasons why I cook dinner every night. Because what a wonderful semi-distracted environment for the kid to tell you the truth, for you to have low-stakes but super important conversations with someone who’s important to you.”

What happens when you’re cooking with your child?

  • You’re not asking them basic questions at the dinner table that get the same redundant answer “How was your day?”  “What did you do?”
  • You’re working TOGETHER on a task with a shared goal: a delicious, healthy meal.
  • In that “semi-distracted” environment your child’s brain is focused on the food and his or her guard may go down to reveal truths about how their day or weekly really went.

There is magic in the cooking process because it requires you to be present, but also relaxed.  If you have 5 vegetables to wash, chop and prep, it doesn’t take a lot of mental bandwith if you’ve done this dozens of times.  Now your mind can drift and you can listen to the person cooking next to you: your child.

You are the type of parent who understands the importance of cooking healthy food with your child.

After all, you experienced LIFT Enrichment’s cooking class at some point.

Not many are like you, and you deserve a pat on the back.

Healthy eating habits for your kids is important for you.

So try this broccoli recipe next time you’re making a meal with your child.

Did new elements of their life surface while cooking and talking?

I bet they will.

Chef Eric

==>  (Video culinary lesson) making broccoli taste delicious for kids