My 4 Favorite Carbs To Cook Healthy Meals With

It’s Saturday and it’s time to COOK

If your kids don’t know how to cook at home and aren’t eating enough vegetables.

=> Join our LIVE virtual after-school cooking class, starting April 21st

Can you handle your kids making you dinner 7 nights a week?

It’s a good issue to have.  🙂

I’m a Chef, but I’m super busy running a business.  

Here’s how I make QUICK meals at-home when I need a healthy bite.  

And I LOVE carbs, but I use them strategically to make my life easier.   These are my favorite carbs that you can use to make a meal with in 10 minutes.  

Carb 1:  Sandwich Bread

This is my favorite for breakfast.  What you do is get a large frying pan out and add a bit of oil and over medium heat add your favorite sandwich bread.

(Hint, use 2 pans, at the same time, if you’re cooking for more people)

As your bread toasts up (it’s more crispy than in a toaster oven!) do the following:

Add 1 egg and 3 egg whites to a bowl with a bit of green scallions, salt and mix.

Take out some mozzarella that’s grated and a freshly cooked protein (like pork chops or chicken breast or turkey bacon)

Now remove the toasted bread to a plate, add the protein (thinly sliced) to crisp up for a few minutes in the pan and top with cheese.  Remove the protein and add some pre-cooked veggies (I like an onion-bell pepper saute) and the eggs and fold it together into omelette.

On the bread, add the crispy pork chops, egg and veggie mix and you’ve got a healthy breakfast sandwich in 10 minutes!

Carb 2:  Tortilla

I made a video (here) on how to make a Chicken & Veggie Quesadilla.

It’s another 10-minute meal that you can fill with veggies and protein, just make sure those two elements are pre-cooked.

Carb 3:  Pasta

Pasta can be healthy as long as you

 Don’t add too much (about 2-3 oz raw pasta per person)
Use a low-calorie sauce, like tomato-basil marinara
Fill it with veggies and protein

Last Saturday I cooked spaghetti, and in another pan sauteed some turkey bacon with olive oil and onion. Then I added 1 cup of marinara sauce and combined it together.  It was super filling and tasted like we were at an Italian restaurant….but at a fraction of the cost and calories!
Carb 4:  Pita Bread

This is HARD to find these days in the grocery store, so stock up on it!

Make a Greek wrap by heating up some cut up chicken breast or steak in a pan.  Also warm up your pita bread on a dry pan.

On top of the pita bread add some feta-cucumber dip or tzatziki, then top with the cooked protein, chopped red onion, tomato and lettuce.  Garnish with feta cheese and enjoy!

Which of these recipes are your kids going to make tonight?

Want your kids to make these meals for you?  

Invest in their culinary education with our (LIVE after-school cooking class) starting April 21st (CLICK HERE)

Eat well,
Chef Eric
P.S. If your want your kids making you steak dinners in the future, join our 5-week Virtual After-School Cooking Class and get $400 in bonuses!  (LInk Here)   Starts Tues, April 21st for the first 20 signups.