Q and A for Summer Series

Here are some questions we’ve been getting about the Healthy Online Cooking Classes for Kids Summer Series

We have 9 spots left on Wednesdays!

Join our summer session of online cooking classes!  (Coupon SUMMER to save 10% by July 10)

Question:  What if I can’t make 2 or 3 weeks out of the 6 lessons?
Answer:  No problem!  You can use those classes are credits at anytime in the next year.  You could use it to join our Wednesdays at 4pm or Thursdays at 5pm Kids Can Cook Inner Circle classes Or join our upcoming Fall series in September.  Or join our “healthy dessert” (yes, you read that correctly) lessons that will be launching next month.

Question:  How many students are in each workshop?
Answer:  We like to keep our classes fairly small, so you won’t see more than 16 screens in our zoom classes.  This gives our Chef Teachers the time and opportunity to give individualized attention to students throughout the series.  Students appreciate this attention especially while chopping.

Question:  You mention that my child will be able to cook a dish ON HIS OR HER OWN.  How does that work?
Answer:  First, let me just say that YOU know your child better than anyone else, and particularly their competence in the kitchen.  With practice, and possible after a few more hands-on lessons with you joining the class, we can definitely have your child cook the meal on his or her own.

Currently, we have two of our top students like Belen (age 9) and Sammy (age 12) who cook 95+% of each week’s meal on their own.  Mom or Dad is in the room, but these kids can do the chopping, prep and cooking almost entirely on their own (especially Sammy).  That could be your child 🙂

Question:  How does it work if you ship me ingredients each week?
Answer: Parents have been asking for a while:  what can we do to take away the behind-the-scenes work of buying the ingredients and bringing them home?

What we brought to the table is an administrative designed to SHIP fresh ingredients for our classes every week.  We will ship:  fresh produce, canned goods, fresh proteins, dairy and more.  The only things we don’t ship are oils, vinegar, flour and spices, as they we’d have to charge more.

It’s only $40 per week per recipe (and each meal makes 4-6 servings) and includes grocery costs, instacart service fee, delivery fee, taxes, tip and our administrative costs.  It’s meant to save YOU time and energy every week.

Question:  How do I join?
It’s easy, go here  and then after you signup you’ll get an email from our staff so we can find out which day you will be joining and we’ll get your address to ship you an apron.  Classes then begin Wed.  We’ll send a reminder email every week.

Join our summer session of online cooking classes!  (Coupon SUMMER to save 10% by July 10)

Summer Series Details 
Recipes:  Sushi Handrolls and Miso Soup, Healthy In-n-out Burger with Baked Fries, Chicken Enchiladas, Healthy Fettuccine Alfredo with Asparagus, Grilled Cheese with Turkey Bacon and Broccoli Slaw, Chipotle Burrito Bowl with Cilantro-Lime Rice  
Ages: 7-15.
Days/Times:  Wednesdays 4:00pm-5:30pm PST
Dates:  7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4, 8/11, 8/18
Price: $180 per signup (Siblings are free!) ($162 with 10% off! code SUMMER) 
Grocery shopping add-on:  Additional $240 ($40 per lesson x 6)