Everyone loves In-n-Out, but can your kids make a healthy version at home?
We’ve got an AMAZING lesson on the horizon as part of our “gourmet class” on Saturday, May 29 from 3pm-5pm PST
We’re making a Healthy Double-Double (regular and Protein style) with In-n-out Sauce, and Baked French Fries and a Lite Neapolitan Shake.
For all members of the Kids Can Cook Inner Circle who join our Weekly Lessons, they get instant access to this gourmet class.
== > Join the Healthy In-n-Out Lesson cooking class for kids (Click Here)
I tested this recipe last Friday and I was blown away!
You can check out the video tutorials on my Tik Tok channel (chefericteaches)
Which video got the most views?
Surprisingly, the video making the healthy-in-n-out sauce has over 700+ views…and I don’t even have an audience on that channel!
The price of our Kids Can Cook Inner Circle is also at a crazy good deal if you join today
== > Join the Healthy In-n-Out Lesson cooking class for kids (Click Here)
We’ve had student cook with us in the Kids Can Cook Inner Circle for over 1 year making over 100+ recipes
She’s only 9 and can make dozens of recipes, almost entirely on her own
Imagine how confident and independent your child could be if he or she had that skillset?
To make a full meal from scratch…
Like an In-n-out meal with burger, fries, sauce and a shake but it actually has…
- Less calories
- Less fat
- Higher protein
Then a standard fast food meal…plus it’s made from scratch in the comfort of your home.
I’ll see you in the lesson! Join while there is still space
== > Join the Healthy In-n-Out Lesson cooking class for kids (Click Here)
Get Cooking,
Chef Eric Horwitz
(310) 890-8704 – Eric@LIFTenrichment.com
www.LIFTenrichment.com | www.KidsCanCookInnerCircle.com