We started our Virtual Cooking Camp (link to virtualcookingcamp.com) this week and the first breakfast in the “Mangia Italiano” theme was this easy recipe that makes a great breakfast or snack. No...
Frequently Asked Questions about our Virtual Cooking Camp
Week 1 has kicked off to a great start of our virtual cooking camp! You can sign up for weeks 2-9 HERE. Now that we’ve got some hands-on experience with the virtual camp format, I’m happy to say...
3 Tips To Get Kids To Eat Broccoli
The one vegetable that parents tell me they want their kids to eat more of is… broccoli. I don’t know why broccoli is high up on that list, but here are some ways to get kids to eat it! Broccoli is...
How Kids Can Stay Safe And Parents Can Get Some Free Time This Summer
You probably don’t feel comfortable putting your kids in a big day camp surrounded by tons of kids in an enclosed space. Kids carry lots of germs, as they touch everything and don’t wash their hands...
How To Use Food As An Art Activity For Kids
As we prep for our first week of virtual cooking camp that’s themed “Mangia Italiano” started next Monday, here’s an example of an art project that we’ll be doing...and you can do it at home! It’s...
How A Virtual Assistant Can Make Life EASIER for Busy Parents (and Business Owners)
Have you ever wanted extra help to stay organized and on top of all of the different activities you have going on? Whether ou’re a busy parent with LOTS of things going on, or a business owner like...
Healthy Pizza Recipe For Kids
Maybe this sounds familiar…you’re cooking at home A LOT and you’re craving some junk food (like pizza) Your kids have been asking for it all week, so you give in and order a couple of take-out...
The Status of Summer Camps Pt 2 (June Addition)
In my previous post HERE about the “The Status of Summer Camps” things have gotten slightly better, but there’s still a lot of uncertainty out there in the world of camps. I’ll share the latest news...
The Status of Summer Camps
Will there be in-person summer camps for kids? My prediction: Most likely no… Or at least not in June and July (possibly August as well) Right now there are TOO many uncertainties Currently...
Rules of the Cooking Classroom
In this video Chef Eric is training Woodcraft Rangers staff how to keep kids engaged. We start with 5 Chef Rules, Counting Off Kids, Making Class Interactive and Safe and more! How To Keep Kids...