by | Jun 2, 2021 | Blog, Featured, Healthy Family, Videos
Watch the full interview here ===> Chanie Gluck | Mother of 4, Entrepreneur and Leader of a staff of 200 | The Mommy Interview Series Chanie Gluck is a mom of 4 young kids (2 girls and 2 boys ages 8,7, 5 and 3) AND runs a multi-million dollar medical billing company...
by | Jun 1, 2021 | Blog, Cooking Classes, Featured, Fun, Healthy Family
As our Kids Can Cook Inner Circle program turns 1 years old, we have a great deal going on.This is only for moms who want their kids to: Eat more healthy foodsBecome Independent and able to cook meals on their ownDevelop Confidence in the Kitchen One of our students,...
by | May 28, 2021 | Blog, Cooking Classes, Featured, Healthy Family, Recipes
This is a classic Greek lunch on the go. It has delicious Mediterranean flavors with marinated chicken breast tucked into tasty pita bread.Active Time: 20 min – Start to Finish: 50 min. Serves: 4 Ingredients1.25 lbs chicken breast, skinless & boneless,...
by | May 26, 2021 | Blog, Cooking, Featured, Fun, Healthy Family, Videos
Watch the full interview here ===> Ashley Richards | Running A Marketing Agency And Being A Mother of 2 | The Mommy Interview Series Ashley Richards is a mom and owner/founder of E Squared Marketing, a digital marketing agency based in Phoenix, Arizona.She started...
by | May 21, 2021 | Blog, Featured, Healthy Family, Recipes
Can your kids make sushi at home? (This picture is from one of my students: Sammy) == > If not, check out our Weekly virtual cooking classes for kids (Kids Can Cook Inner Circle)We taught our members of the Kids Can Cook Inner Circle program how to make handrolls a...
by | May 19, 2021 | Blog, Cooking Classes, Featured, Videos
Check out this interview with Jack Friedman! Owner of Study Smart Tutors which which helps low-income first-generation students learn important life skills to succeed in college and beyond. == > Watch my interview with Jack and learn about college...