by | Mar 26, 2020 | Blog, Cooking, Featured
If you’re at home, and need something to do with your kids that’s healthy, fun and educational…How about cook breakfast together?We’re bringing some livestreams (from my kitchen!) to you so you can make these healthy meals with your kids and eat a delicious...
by | Mar 20, 2020 | Blog, Cooking, Featured
One mom I know well, Susan, is a single mom with 2 kids, Tom age 7 and Ian age 3.Both kids are at-home right now, and I can tell you that it’s not easy to keep these two boys engaged. Tom has a love for cooking and a LOT of energy.Ian wants to do everything Tom...
by | Mar 20, 2020 | Blog, Cooking, Featured
I did exactly what you all did: go to the grocery stores and buy LOTS of dry and canned goods as a backup.But what I realized is that there’s more to it than just buying 20 pounds of dried pasta.I’ll share, in future emails, my tips for: Chef’s Guide To...
by | Mar 18, 2020 | Blog, Cooking, Featured
When you’re stuck at home with your kids, you gotta figure out something to do.Those little minds need something that’s educational, stimulating and, ideally, FUN.As a chef, my expertise is in getting your kids to eat healthy foods and develop their culinary...
by | Mar 13, 2020 | Blog, Cooking, Featured
YOU told me you liked my quick like “healthy chocolate pudding” recipe from a previous email, so I’ve got 4 more cooking hacks to eat foods that hit that satisfy my sweet tooth, without going crazy with the calories. Tip 1: Vanilla Frosting Chocolate Pudding Cups...