March 20

4 Tips To Keep Your Stored Food SAFE

Blog, Cooking, Featured


I did exactly what you all did:  go to the grocery stores and buy LOTS of dry and canned goods as a backup.

But what I realized is that there’s more to it than just buying 20 pounds of dried pasta.

I’ll share, in future emails, my tips for:

  • Chef’s Guide To What To Buy (and not to buy) as you stock up for emergencies
  • How To Cook Foods That Taste GOOD (if the power goes out)
  • How To Feed A Family of Four for 2 weeks with just dry goods

And I’ll take insight FROM YOU, on what you want to learn about!

Knowledge nuggets will be shared everyday on Instagram, @LIFTEnrichment

And you can purchase a virtual cooking at home class at the link below
=> Yes!  I want to join to cook at home with my kids

The Kids Can Cook Master Class CLOSES in about one week- next Friday to be exact!

Here’s what parents say about our LIFT Enrichment after-school cooking class

“Your classes changed our girl’s life. She cooks more at home. We love all your cooking and recipes. Thank you. We will sign up for every single class you have.”   – Joanne, parent

“[My son]  had a great time and was very proud of the food they made and fun facts he learned. It was all delicious.” – Lori, parent

All of that information is bottled up into our Kids Can Cook At Home Master Class!

The course is filled with tons of video recipes and educational lessons for you AND your kids to learn to cook 30 of my top recipes.

The best parts about the course:

  • You’ll BOND with your child while cooking delicious and healthy food
  • Your kids will DEVELOP FOR LIFE culinary fundamentals
  • All the recipes are SIMPLE AND DESIGNED FOR YOU AND YOUR KIDS to work together.

Enough with the pitch! 

Let’s get to my 4 tips:

Tip 1: Store (and LABEL) your food in large containers (ideally air tight)

Don’t put all your dry goods in bags and think they’ll be fine.

Get large containers (I use these 70 quarter containers) 

Then LABEL each container so what’s in it. Keep the “dinners’ together (i.e. pasta, sauce and canned tuna)

Organization is key and I these see-through containers (that stack well) help keep my garage organized

Tip 2:  Keep your stored food ABOVE ground 

In the event of water, you’ll want to put your food containers in an attic if you have it.

At the very least, keep it on a shelf, and NOT on the floor

Tip 3:  Remember To Get LOTS of water

Most emergency preparedness instructions recommend 1 gallon, per adult person in your household, per day.

If you have a family of 4 (2 parents and 2 kids) you want to have enough provisions for 2 weeks

It’ll be about 3 gallons per day (depending on how old your kids are) which is 3 x 14 days = 42 gallons of water.

I’m seeing that some stores sell 1 gallon of water for about $3-$5  per gallon (or $1 for 1 liter) so this investment will be about $120-$200 in water.

But you only need to buy this ONE time and it’ll last!

Tip 4: Keep Propane (and other fuel) in Separate Containers

What good is all this pasta if you can’t cook it?

Good luck getting your family to eat raw pasta, it’ll hurt your teeth.

Instead, invest in a camping stove and lots of fuel

I like the Coleman Brand. 

And this 2 Burner Coleman stove.

With the water and dried goods, you are SET if there’s no power or gas.

Hope these tips help you!

Remember you just need to buy these ONCE and you’re set for life.

In the meantime, take this time with your kids at home as an opportunity to 


Develop their culinary Fundamentals

And bond in the kitchen

With the Kids Can Cook At Home Master Class, on sale now until Friday 3/26.

=> Join the virtual cooking class for you and your kids

Eat Well,
Chef Eric Horwitz
CEO / Head Chef – LIFT Enrichment, Inc.  

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Eric Horwitz

About LIFT

Eric founded LIFT Enrichment in 2010 because he wanted to help young kids develop their culinary skills so they could make healthy foods for friends and family for the rest of their lives.  He has worked with kids for over 15 years and enjoys their energy and enthusiasm for learning new things.  Eric studied abroad in Italy while at UCLA and discovered a passion for cooking.  

Eric Horwitz, Ceo of Lift

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